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  • Pastor Jerrod is leading us through Full Circle Parenting | A Guide for Crucial Conversations
  • Parenting isn’t for wimps.
    It’s not just the routines, schedules, discipline, and heartaches—it’s the hard conversations. One of the greatest challenges of parenting is navigating the crucial conversations that we must have with our kids.Jimmy and Kristin Scroggins have been married for more than twenty five years and have eight children. They’ve had plenty of crucial conversations in their lives—not only with their own children, but with parents who are scared and seeking wisdom. They know they have to find a way to have those tough conversations from a biblical perspective and a distinctly Christian worldview, but they don’t know how.If you’re like these parents, Full Circle Parenting was written for you. Using the 3 Circles gospel tool (God’s design; brokenness; gospel), The Scroggins will give you a “conversation map” to work through any tough conversations you have with your children, and will show you how it works with the following topics and more: Gender, Sexuality, and Marriage, Technology, Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Bitterness, Forgiveness, and Restoration, Friendship and Mean Kids
  • The class book can be purchased online and is recommended for Full Circle Parenting.
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  • Wednesday Nights
  • August 10 – October 5
  • 6:15 – 7:30pm
  • Worship Center